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Progressive Business Coaching

Helping Businesses Flourish
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What I Do

I help support budding entrepreneurs, longstanding business owners and hardworking professionals realise their untapped potential, so that they can fully manifest the success they want to see in their lives  


My Approach

I take a full-spectrum look at what’s going on in your business, clearly identifying what is standing in the way of you achieving your goals.  This includes looking at your professional ambitions, personal needs, life goals, wider social networks, the organisational structures you have around you, your key business and workplace relationships, the support systems you have around you and more…


My Mission

My mission is to help forge bold, creatively empowered, intelligent leaders that are powerfully in touch with the unique terrains and nuances of their business landscape, and who can use this deeper awareness to achieve their goals and thrive

Need an extra push to grow your existing business or get a new idea off the ground? Let me help you reach your goals.

How does it work?

Business Coaching sessions are held online on Zoom, or over the phone. We start by having an initial consultation. Here we lay out a general strategy and then decide on a session rhythm that works for you: This can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the level of support you need. 

Your Business Ideas To The Next Level


Any successful entrepreneur or executive will know that success often comes down to 3 things: 

1. Clearly identifying the vision they have for their business or work project

2. Successfully crafting the right game plan to achieve this goal

3. Implementing this plan to the best of their ability

Business coaching will give you the support you need to successfully streamline your efforts in all these 3 areas. Together we will help you identify your strengths as well as your weaknesses, so that you know the areas that need working on, and which are already naturally flourishing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?

If you want to grow and develop your business, then simply put, business coaching is right for you. It can give you the support you need to achieve your goals and help you get where you want to be as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Do You Only Work With Established Companies?

I offer our services to a whole range of businesses, both new and old, all the way from young entrepreneurs to long established companies.

Do You Offer Ongoing Business Coaching Services?

Absolutely. In fact, I highly recommend ongoing support.  There is, of course, great value in a stand alone strategy session, but having someone there supporting you and helping you successfully implement this along the way truly has immeasurable value

What about privacy - will my information be secure?

All personal and business details that I gather are kept completely confidential, and will never be shared with anyone.  Progressive Business Coaching understands that the topics discussed in sessions can be commercially and personally sensitive and so are treated as such - all gathered information is held on encrypted servers and kept securely. This is a cornerstone of PBC's philosophy - developing the trust and sense of safety necessary to grow one's business confidently is a core priority.

Get In Touch

Send a Message or Schedule a Business Consultation



+44 (0)1803 916 408


Or alternatively, simply fill out the contact form adjacent with your details and query

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